Customer Charter

'Our commitment to you' in white font on a blue background

Our support doesn’t stop with the standard Consumer Code. We’ve designed a Customer Charter that clearly sets out what levels of service and information you can expect from us at each stage of your buying journey. Think of it as a more personal level of commitment to you. So if there’s anything else you’d like to know about the Customer Charter, just ask your Sales Executive.



  • We will give you clear and detailed information about your chosen home

  • We will make sure the terms and conditions in our sale contract are clear and fair, highlighting your cancellation rights

  • We will give you information about the 10-year NHBC Buildmark warranty, the first two years of which are covered by Wain Homes, and any other cover that will benefit you

  • We will give you health and safety advice to reduce the risk of danger when your home is being built and after you move in

  • We will explain any choices and options available to you and answer any questions throughout your purchase

  • We will provide regular updates so you know what’s happening when, including a 'build-window' with your anticipated completion and moving-in date

  • We will demonstrate the features of your new home before you move in so you know how everything works

  • We will ensure your home is complete and the transfer of ownership happens once we have a completion date

  • We will provide you with an efficient after-sales service that covers both everyday things and emergencies

  • We will let you know who to contact if you’re not happy with the way we fulfil our Customer Charter commitments