Planning granted for 274 homes in Truro

Wain Homes South West is expected to begin work on constructing 274 much needed new energy efficient homes at Dudman Farm in Truro in November after being awarded Reserved Matters approval from Cornwall Council.
The development, which will include a substantial provision of 90 affordable homes along with associated infrastructure, public open space will be our first site in Truro since 2013, with a number of the properties being built to M4(2) and M4(3) standards.
Our proposals for Dudman Farm accord with highways design guidance and the approved Design Code. The scheme delivers a BNG gain and an above policy compliant level of tree canopy cover. Important habitat features are retained where possible with reasonable buffers to allow future management and maintenance.
The development layout provides a generous amount of open space and walking routes which will become formalised public open space, along with dedicated ecology mitigation areas thereby providing for both people and nature.
Mark Harding, land and planning director at Wain Homes South West, said: “We have been working closely with our consultant team on Dudman Farm for the past four years and I am appreciative of everyone’s dedication and hard work in receiving planning approval.
“Due to its topography, the development has been a complicated project and I am pleased the social and economic benefits of the scheme have been realised, enabling us to make a significant contribution to desired housing supply.”
The team behind the delivery of Dudman Farm includes:
Wain Homes
John Rudge
Giles Walker
Peter Crawford
Lucy Downs
Zak Morgan
Lizzie Woodgate
Planning Consultant
Sam Thomas at Carney Sweeney
Danny Cooper at RLT Architects
Darin Kay at AEQ
Rob Revolta at Tyler Grange
Matt Underwood at GE Ecology (Arb only)
Transport Consultant
Bob Cocker at SLR
Ground Investigation
John Grimes Partnership
Landscape Architect
Louise Baugh at Swan Paul
Will Bedford at Landgage Hertitage